Wheat and Lentil Pilaf

This recipe, adapted with very little changes from Anna Thomas' The New Vegetarian Epicure, received raves from Grace and I, and a very lukewarm reception from Dennis. The difference arise simply, I believe, from the fact that it is a very healthy tasting dish. Think 60s, flower power, served out of earthen bowls by women who do not shave their armpit hair healthy, natural tasting. Still, don't turn away from this dish yet. It is wholesome and it is, in fact, very tasty. It is heavy though - that is, a little scoop on the plate goes a long way. I suppose this is a virtue on the not over eating front.

2 medium Yellow Onions (or just about 2 cups chopped)
1 tbs Olive Oil
1 cup Sprout Wheat Berries (available at Jimbo's)
2/3 cups Sprouted Lentils (or 1/2 cup dried lentils, also available at Jimbo's)
3/4 cups Water*
1/4 lb Shiitake mushrooms (or simply use about 10 dried Shiitake mushrooms soaked in hot water).
1/4 tsp Dark Sesame Oil
1/2 tsp Soy Sauace
1/2 tbs Rice Vinegar

Begin by chopping the onions rather finely. Put aside.

Steam the sprouted wheat berries for 30 minutes (or, if you have no way of steaming the wheat berries conveniently, put the berries into a microwaveable glass contain, add about 1/2 cup of water, cover and cook on high for 15 minutes to 20 minutes).

As the wheat berries are steaming/cooking, heat 1 1/4 tbs oil in a medium sized enamel cast iron pan (or a medium sized pot) and cook the onions slowly in it, with a sprinkle of salt, until nicely caramelized (about 30 to 40 minutes ).

Add the steamed wheat berries to the caramelized onions. Then add the lentils, 3/4 cups water* and 1/4 tsp salt. Cover the pan tightly and simmer for 20 minutes. Uncover, and if there is any remaining water, let it cook away.

In the meanwhile, clean the mushrooms, trim away the tough stems and cup the caps into 1/4 inch dice. In another non stick pan, heat the remaining 1/4 tbs olive oil with the sesame oil and saute the mushrooms in it, stirring often for about 2 minutes (or, if using fresh shittake mushrooms, cook until they lose all their water). Add the soy sauce and cook a couple of minutes more. When this is done, add the mushrooms, along with the vinegar, to the wheat berries mixture.

This serves four very generous portions.

* If using dried shittake mushrooms, instead of using water, use the mushroom soaking liquid instead.


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